High Secretariat
Karla Ximena González Guerra
Secretary General
María del Carmen Pérez Merino
Under-Secretary General
"Fighting for injustice is our right, but also, our duty"
María José Maldonado González
Under-Secretary General
Humberto Carreño Gudiño
Undersecretary of General Assembly
Diego Garcia Coronilla
Undersecretary of Specialized Agencies
Ana Paula de Anda Cota
Undesecretary of ECOSOC
Raising your voice when the world is silent, can make the difference
Daniela Medina Vega
Undersecretary of Human Rights
Ximena Ramirez Rico
Undersecretary of UNICEF
Angela Dioema Fuentes Vera
President of ICC
If you want peace, work for justice
Mariana Torres Adame
Conference Manager
Everybody wants to change the world, but no one thinks on changing themselves first
Luisa Ameyali Diaz Maitret
Media and Design
Great organization and proper execution is what makes MUN a beautiful goal to be part of