In here delegates will find useful information to have a great performance during the event
Rules of Procedure
The Rules of Procedure represent a code of conduct and working regulations of the conference and are not subject to change. They shall be considered as adopted since the beginning of NCMUN Celaya conference.
The rules of procedure for NCMUN Celaya are the same as the ones adopted by NCMUN Queretaro
Recommended Videos
For all first-timers, we recommend the following videos so you may have a clearer understanding of MUN and you can enjoy this experience.
All the videos listed above do not belong to NCMUN Celaya, but we are sure they will be handy to give a general idea of how to perform on MUN.
Refund Policy
No refunds will be given unless the conference does not occur or cancellation arises from medical issues, force majeure, or other circumstances arising beyond reasonable control. Refunds will be honored upon full cancellation of the event; full cancellation does not include postponement of the event. Cases will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Technology Policy
During all committee sessions, cellular phones are required to be turned off or placed in silent mode. Use of cellular phones is not permitted committee session. Laptops are permitted in committee. In order to share Resolution Papers among delegates and committee staff members, use of USB drives is encouraged.
Any use of the internet for social networking, viewing explicit material, or other activity unrelated to the course of debate is a violation of the Delegate Contract. Use of cellphones and use of laptops connected to the internet will be permitted outside of committee sessions.